2 Android Gardening Apps That Your Neighbour Doesn’t Want You To Have!

If you enjoy seeing your neighbour turn a little bit greener every time he checks out your spotless lawn, you probably have a few gardening secrets up your sleeve. There are so many little tips that seem to really make a difference with those flowers and vegetables in your backyard, but what happens when you need a few more? Maybe he finally caught onto your special fertilizing technique and those CCTV cameras finally paid off. So let’s talk about how to crank up the volume a little more and really show the fool how it’s done. Your Android Smartphone has the answer and it’s ready and willing to show you the goods, right here and right now! So take the weight off your feet for 5 minutes and see what you think of these 2 bad boys!

Sun Seeker – Free

Did you ever think about why those prize winning gardens seem to always follow a certain pattern when the gardeners plant those seeds in a certain direction? It is incredibly vital to know exactly where the solar rays are actually coming from if you want to get the most out of that beautiful light. As you know, some plants thrive in the glow whilst others need far more shade. The only way to have some control over how the sun accesses your goods is by sussing out their needs and working out where the sun will enter your lucky garden. This App has all that you need and then some. You’ll get a full set of details for every sunrise and sunset and it is all broken down nicely into readable chunks of information. Sun Seeker tells you exactly where the shade loving plants need to hang out and you can plan your whole garden using this awesome App.

Gardenate – Free

There is no doubt that gardening has its roots in science, literally. But many of us simply blunder along and just hope for the best and if the carrots or apples come along, then all the better. But how about taking a more scientific view for a change, the results will certainly speak for themselves. Gardenate is a very good looking App that shows the avid gardener exactly when they should plant their good stuff and how long the whole process of germination and growth should really take. You get a very cool gardening calendar that leaves no margin for error and if you follow the instructions, your roses will always be the envy of your neighbourhood. The note section is another cool feature that lets you enter the planting dates of all of your crops/flowers and you can estimate the harvest dates using an accurate yardstick for once. Whatever plants you fancy trying out this year, Gardenate will have enough correct information to ensure that your neighbour is chomping at the bit to find out your new source – We say let the poor fellow suffer in silence!

Android Loves a Beautiful Garden

These 2 Apps will definitely keep your backyard looking sweet for a long time into the future, grab them both while they’re still free!


About Author
Aman is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TechRockz.
