Using Software to Get Unstuck

Pick someone who seems to be a little glum, ask them what’s wrong, and you may get the answer, “Well, I just seem to be feeling a little stuck.” It’s a vague answer, but if they say it’s true, then it’s true by definition. The bad thing is, they feel stuck. The good thing is, there are ways to get unstuck, and they can often use technology, and specifically a few different kinds of software, to kick start them in the right direction. Millions of people are doing this successfully. Time to jump on that bandwagon!

Mobile vs. Desktop Software Solutions

First of all, there are a few differences between software types to be aware of. Desktop software and mobile apps are both software, but for one, you are tied to a desk, for the other, you can be out and about. For the purposes of argument, we’ll say that it is easier to get unstuck be being out and moving, so let’s stick to the mobile versions. This means if you have a smartphone or a tablet with a mobile connection, then you have no excuse for staying stuck for long.


Business as Usual – Think Bigger!

A big part of the ‘stuck’ feeling may be stemming from your workplace. Just to get your brain functioning at a higher level, think about what you would do if you owned your own business. What’s your passion? What kind of business startup would you give to the world as a gift? What would make you happy? If it seems silly that you can use software to help you organize these thoughts, then let go of your bias and simply try it. Business software can help you free your mind because it can do the data-intensive parts of certain kinds of work for you, allowing you to concentrate on the people-aspect of business instead.

Find Some Motivation and Creativity

There are countless software apps out there to help you feel creative and motivated – fitness apps, puzzle apps, brain-training apps, challenge apps, and every other category you can think of. They may be gentle reminders to keep you on time, or they could be foul-mouthed virtual trainers that make you laugh while they are telling you to do pushups. External motivation has proven to be a great way for people to get unstuck and stay unstuck, and with modern software apps, that external motivation can now be initiated, ironically, by yourself.

By using technology to help you get unstuck, you are embracing the advances that have been made in software-based mobile tech. As people respond to these types of motivation and organization, the feedback loop will help developers code even more effective ways of getting people in happy rhythms of life.


About Author
Aman is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TechRockz.
