5 Ways Businesses Can Use Mobile Technology for Marketing Advantage

There”s a lot of chatter and noise out there in the modern world that current day marketing has to find a way through. And the more dense the advertising field becomes, the more creative you have to be as a businessperson. It”s a good thing there are ways to use new technology to get through that barrier!

So if you find you”re at a bit of a standstill when it comes to market share, consider using the five techniques below to jumpstart your current advertising and promotional mood – work to understand “mobile moments,” get involved in social media, use location-based advertising, set up online coupons and discounts for your business, and make sharing easy and painless for mobile users.

Get a Grip On Mobile Moments

If you learn about mobile moments, you”ll quickly understand just how important they are in today”s business climates. If you can figure out the type of content, pacing, audience, and timing, you can immediately get the attention of the right people at the right time and in the right place, and there is no better equation than that as a measure of marketing success.


Be Involved In Social Media

There are many marketing reasons to get involved in social media. Interaction, brand recognition, opportunity to connect, and many other factors will come into play once you jump all the way into the social media world. The one thing to be aware of is that because so many business are doing this the same time as you, it”s important to set yourself apart by being genuine to you own cause. Social media outlets are not a good place to fake any part of your personality or business concept.

Use Location-Based Advertising

New technology, especially targeted toward mobile devices, allows advertising to exist on a location-based path as well as typical text and description algorithms. That means that if your business learns how to add these location tags into your SEO, you”ll be maintaining a huge advantage over other local similar businesses.

Utilize Online Coupons and Discounts

By learning how to set up online coupons and discounts, you”re giving the mobile population more of a reason to visit either your physical store or your virtual one. Don”t pass up on this modern opportunity to connect!

Making Sharing Easy

The last tip for mobile technology for businesses is to make sure that everything that you do on the web is easy to share from mobile devices. There are some presentations of web data that make sharing difficult on mobile phones and tablets, and that loses the point rather quickly, so it”s something to avoid.


About Author
Aman is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TechRockz.
