Making Technology Work in the Clean-Up Contracting World

Working different job sites as a clean-up service professional means you must have a well-prepared staff ready for anything at the next appointment. Finding the location, bringing the right cleaning tools and evaluating the on-site issues are only some of the duties required for a successful repair. Using some of the best tech tools around helps you streamline the day and satisfy customers.

Vehicle GPS

Although it”s been around for many years, integrated vehicle GPS is often overlooked as unnecessary by general contractors. When you need to find a location quickly, driving in circles and being lost for several minutes is wasted money and poor customer service. Make a customer happy with punctual service, especially if water damage or other major issues are at play.

Project Management Tablet

A home requiring extensive repairs often has a laundry list of items to be fixed or replaced. Use a tablet and dedicate specific files to each customer. Note all damage and possible fixes in the tablet to keep the information organized and readily available as customers ask questions. Even transmit the information to your office for further downloads into a main server. Your workday is quickly organized and easier to handle with instant information on the tablet.

Specialized Gadgets

Bring those piping cameras to see down customer plumbing for the best estimate possible. Leak detection gadgets are extremely helpful for areas that aren”t easily accessible, such as underground plumbing. You”ll save the customer money and time as an accurate quote is drawn up. Even testing for lead or asbestos requires specific gadgets to ensure levels aren”t toxic for homeowners.


Image Source: Pixabay

Smartphone Alarms

Time management is a struggle for even the most seasoned contracting professional. Use alarms built into a smartphone to time certain projects, such as water heater repairs. You want to provide solid service, but the labor rate must match the work involved. Smartphone alarms provide honest time rates for customers while offering efficiency numbers for the contractor.

Cloud Software

Your company could have extremely old servers with limited data storage. You must have all customer data secured for future reference. Instead of digging into profits to purchase extra memory storage, consider cloud software. With a monthly fee, you simple upload all your contracting information to a dedicated server at a provider”s facility. You”ll free computer space for even more data organization.

Inventory Apps

Keep track of all your inventory with apps on a tablet or smartphone. These apps may be used for mobile access or on a desktop. At the touch of an icon, you”ll know which parts need replenishing or identify products to discontinue. When you are mobile most of the day, accurate inventories help you bring all the right parts and products to a customer the first time. Organizing inventory is pure profit for any contractor.

Technology is only becoming more integrated with everyday life. Consider adding one or two gadgets to your contracting business to see a difference they make with workers. When employees feel confident about their work, they”ll be more motivated to work hard each day for contracting and customer service success.


About Author
Aman is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TechRockz.
