Find Similar Websites Easily With Similarto

Looking for similar websites is something very common we do. For this purpose, we basically use identical keywords on Google and make assumptions on the Google landing page. However, not every assumption turns out to be correct and hence it takes more time. The developer team took this matter into concern and thought of inventing something that would identify similar online websites or services for you. is their succession and this project turned out pretty good.


This is basically a search engine. Not very much advanced or self-adopting like Google yet; but it’s basically a search engine that you use every day. You can pull off the same results using Google or any other search engine; but drastically reduces users’ efforts by finding out similar websites all by itself. The algorithm that lies within coding finds only the best available sites; the spam and crap websites will automatically be filtered out. Every websites ranking is checked before it shows up on the result page.


There are plenty more parameters every website need to pass to be considered as a similar website. Websites passing most of these criteria with highest scores would make it to the top in the result listing.


Locating identical websites is the main feature. The website has kept its interface minimal and very user friendly. Make a search using the search bar and all the results would show up with ‘yes’ and ‘no’ options. Your vote helps their algorithm.


As a similar website finder, we would vouch for Give it a try, the website is still in its initial phase but still you would love it.


About Author
Aman is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TechRockz.
