How Displays Can Accentuate Your Consumer Electronics

Whether you are spotlighting new electronic gadgets in-store or trying to get attention while attending a trade show, the proper display can set the tone for the experience. As a retailer, most suppliers will provide displays for various products, but there is nothing wrong with accentuating something you like in order to drive sales. Displays can also work to promote your own developments – even if you”ve created an app for a smart-enabled device.

Graphics to Match the Device

Many consumers are visual buyers. This means they will buy products based merely on the presentation rather than its functionality. Providing a graphically attractive appearance around the product will lure these shoppers to inspect the main attraction. One method that can be used to garner this attention is to create a graphic that is a representation of the unit. For instance, a breathtaking image on a table-top display of a panoramic view of Yosemite National Park could work well for promoting a new Mac computer system, which is modeled Mac OS X Yosemite. By taking the model name of an object and running a Google search for that product, you can find inspirational images that could work well for your display.


Imagery for Application Development

Some believe that it”s difficult to promote an app inside of a brick-and-mortar retail store. By using a tablet in the centerpiece of your display running the application, you can demonstrate it to walk-in customers. You could also connect a tablet to a computer monitor or small television through HDMI ports to offer the display of the app without risking the tablet walking away inside someone”s pocket. If you have marketable images of your particular app, you could add them to your display in order to entice consumers to check out the product. Otherwise, you could use the same example mentioned earlier by finding stock images to inspire the graphic design aspect for your visitors to enjoy.

Single Images Versus Collages

Single image displays can work exceptionally well for providing mystery and intrigue behind the product. However, collages can offer various screenshots or different aspects of the particular device while in use. This can give consumers ideas on how they can use the device themselves in various situations. This form of marketing is used quite often and works in a wide range of ways. While either method could work well for the product your advertising, the difference between the two could be a matter of the product itself. For devices such as video cards, actual screenshots taken while playing games with the hardware could show the gaming community how well the graphics are delivered by using a collage rather than a single image. However, the single image can be an attractive and alluring aspect as the potential customer is unsure of the correlation between image and device and might want to find out more.

Using a display to promote a product may help drive sales of the item. It”s a method that works which is why suppliers and vendors offer these kinds of units for various goods. However, you can customize your own in order to assist in selling virtually anything. Be creative with your designs and find out for yourself how beneficial a display can be for generating income.


About Author
Aman is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TechRockz.
