Online Video Marketing: What You Are Missing Out On

Online video marketing is taking the marketing industry by storm, but you will have to do more than just create a video to get the exposure you need and realize the full potential of your efforts. Online video satisfies the information and entertainment needs of your audience. Studies show that more than half of companies are using video marketing, and you need to ignore it at your own peril. Here is what you are missing out.

Extensive Reach

The reach of video marketing cannot be compared to anything at all. Statistics show that more than a billion new users visit YouTube monthly. These visitors watch over 6 billion hours of online video each month. These visitors don’t just leave the site, they go ahead and subscribe to their favorite videos.

Therefore, when you create a useful online video, you stand to gain a wider audience in a short time.

Videos Are Naturally Engaging

Video offers your audience content that they can easily digest. More people will see your brand in a positive light after watching video content.

The simple sound of a human voice speaking to the audience converts your information into meaningful content. Additionally, a language of emotions is appealing and will make your video be shared. Movement grabs attention, which will in turn release the power of peripheral motion.



You can use video for various business uses. For instance, you can use online video for product descriptions, how-to instructions, and advertisements. You can then embed these videos in your company website and optimize them for SEO.

With videos, you not only get to pitch products, but you also establish your people as customer-friendly experts and provide a channel full of useful information. This has the aim of drawing viewers, many that will become customers. This will increase your site’s conversion rate.

For a fact, a person who comes to your site and watches a video is twice likely to make a purchase than a visitor who just reads text.

This approach also gives you as a small business a channel through which you can talk to your customers directly in a way that was previously accessible only to large companies that could only afford television adverts.

Ability to Measure Progress

There is nothing better than knowing how your content marketing strategy is doing. For instance, YouTube offers several analytic tools to measure the effects of online videos.

These tools give you an insight into the shortcomings of the video and allow you to make changes. For instance, you will decide to shorten or lengthen the video to suit the needs of your audience. Analytic tools also pinpoint the parts of the video that your audience rewatches.

In Conclusion

The web provides an innovative option that makes video a fast and way to implement your marketing efforts. The good news is that the procedure of creating online videos is easy and quick and doesn”t require any technical expertise.


About Author
Aman is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TechRockz.
