4 Tech-Friendly Businesses to Consider Starting

It’s the era of the entrepreneur, but still the vast majority of startups fail. That’s mostly due to poor planning or an entrepreneur jumping the gun. Having your own business isn’t easy, but you can get a leg up on the competition by choosing a field or business that matches your interests, skills and passion. Don’t jump on the social media management bandwagon just because you’ve heard it’s a hot commodity, yet you don’t know much about platform management.

Do what you love because (usually) what you love is what you’re already good at and have experience with. For some people, that might mean offering an analysis of investment properties since you’ve spent years as a real estate agent or investor with another firm. For others, it might mean baking vegan, Paleo cupcakes and targeting just the right demographics to make it work. For tech geeks, here are a few of the trending startups happening right now that just might be your match:

Web hosting

Most people can only name a couple of web hosts, yet there are thousands out there. There are even teenaged millionaires who made their fortune web hosting, and you don’t need a lot of money to get started. Securing clients for dedicated servers or offering the right packages for shared server support can be a lucrative business. However, you need to combine a guaranteed high uptime with flawless customer support.



Search engine optimization and local (SEO) isn’t going anywhere, mostly because it’s not a fixed “thing”. Search engines like Google aren’t transparent about their SEO algorithms and there are constant updates. There will always be a need for website owners to pay to get higher rankings, which means those with SEO savviness have a recession-proof job.

Mobile readiness experts

Maybe you want to focus on this niche of responsive design and offer to make apps and/or mobile versions of websites for your clients. In 2014, there are now more people using mobile devices than desktop to browse the internet. This is your time to shine, and offering such (relatively simple) and appropriate services is the ultimate tack-on items for bigger tech companies, too.

Content writing

Written communication has become more vital than ever, with people shying away from phone calls and bloggers making millions. If you offer fantastic web content writing services, perhaps with a specialization such as SEO, you’ve secured a stable entrepreneurial path for life.


About Author
Aman is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TechRockz.
